Functional Questions

How does PausePoint decide what’s important?

When an email arrives, the AI looks at multiple resources to decide if it is important:

  • specific contacts that are important to you
  • domains that you set as important
  • keywords that indicate the message is important to you

When you disagree with the priority given by the AI, you can change the priority settings and give feedback to the AI, so it adjusts to what is important to you.

When is PausePoint active?

You decide when you want PausePoint to screen your incoming mails. You can turn it on manually, or schedule a time when PausePoint turns on automatically.

Most users schedule PausePoint to automatically turn on in the evening or on the weekend.

What happens to non-important emails?

All emails are available in a dedicated folder in Gmail, where they are sorted chronologically. This enables you to easily catch up after you’ve been away.

When PausePoint turns off, all emails will be moved to your Inbox, so you have a convenient way of catching up.

Is the AI sending messages on my behalf?

No, PausePoint does not reply to any message on your behalf. However you can have it send out an Auto-Response email, which works similar to out of office emails.

Only emails that are flagged as not-important will receive an Auto-Response.

You can use [End-Date] and [End-Time] in your Auto-Response text and PausePoint will automatically insert the time when it turns off, so your senders know when you are available again.

Can PausePoint manage emails from multiple accounts?

Yes. PausePoint is built to cover your personal and work related email accounts.

You can configure priorities and Team Forward for your accounts individually.

This feature is coming later this year.

What platforms and email services are compatible with PausePoint?

PausePoint currently supports Gmail.

Other mail provider, such as Outlook or Yahoo are coming later this year.

Security / Privacy Questions

Is my data used for training purposes?

Your data is not used for AI training or analytics at OpenAI.

PausePoint improves over time, because when you use PausePoint, your feedback and the examples you provide are used to improve the instructions given to your AI.

Is my company’s data protected when using PausePoint on my work email?

Yes, PausePoint is built to protect your work and personal data. Your data is encrypted and never shared with anyone, not even employees at PausePoint.

What happens to my data if I decide to cancel PausePoint?

If you cancel PausePoint, all of the data stored in PausePoint is automatically deleted.

Note, that PausePoint does never delete data from your email account. This makes sure that you can easily add or remove PausePoint from your mail account, without loosing any of your emails.

Does my data leave the U.S.?

No, your data is processed in the United States and never leaves the U.S.

Contact / Support

Is PausePoint regularly improved?

We publish functional updates twice a week, to provide you with new functionalities and improved features.

Any ideas what feature we should add or improve? Reach out to us!

Call with Matt

Whom can I contact when I have questions about PausePoint?

Reach out to us! We are here to help and happy to hear your feedback, questions or suggestions.

Call with Matt

Still have questions?

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